Versión papel
120 pages. Color.
Publication year: 31/10/2018
ISBN: 978-84-948482-3-0
Formato: 24 x 17
Price : 20€
Versión digital
Disponible en pdf, epub, mobi
120 pages. Color.
Publication year: 31/10/2018
ISBN: 978-84-948482-3-0
Formato: 24 x 17
Price : 20€
Disponible en pdf, epub, mobi
“Recently, an airplane enthusiast told me that flying was nothing more than spreading your wings and letting the wind caress them…walking should then be putting your feet up and letting the Way embrace you.” This excerpt from Day 0 is part of the Diary of a lonely woman who in 2014, full of frustration and anguish, decides to set out on the Way of Saint James. My diary.
A handmade diary made of colour photographs and writings that could be followed live, online, day after day, in Spanish, French and English. 38 days of pilgrimage on the French Way, 775 kms of encounters, successes, stumbles. 100 handwritten pages, about 300 images. “Among the writings you can read my recognition of my own feminine body with its strengths and weaknesses, the unfounded fear of the loneliness of a pilgrim with no other company than her cane, the difficult dialogue with silence and the realization that she, the strong woman who undertakes and pushes, walks with me, walks with me towards one destination, her encounter with her own life”.
In 2018, the Journal is transformed into a beautiful paper edition, in full colour, produced by Editions Cassiopeia. 120 pages of a bilingual edition: Spanish, French.